Dr. Jerry Bergman on the conference call. http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/conferencecall-2-28-09.html
the research lady
JoinedPosts by the research lady
Mental Illness with Jehovah's Witnesses
by Hope4Others inthis presentation goes over jerry bergman's research on mental illness with jehovah's witnesses.
this includes over 8 different research projects conducted by different doctors.
Videos you had to get rid of
by White Dove ini bought then got rid of my 'r' movies when i was in because my conscious bothered me after a while.
then, guess what?
i bought them again and got rid of them again for the same reason as before.
the research lady
One brother in the congregation we used to attend had to get rid of some of his personal videos--the ones he took with a hidden camera in his bathroom to take pictures of sisters as they used his bathroom. He was not disfellowshipped but rather told to go to another congregation where people wouldn't know him. Just another one of the cover-ups the Watchtower org. tries to hide. When my daughter found out what he was doing she literally collapsed on my kitchen floor screaming in disgust as she used to babysit for him and was afraid she was on one of the tapes. She is a regular pioneer and has nothing to do with us since we left this Devil worshipping dangerous and destructive cult.
Who are the "other sheep"?
by cameo-d inin the sept. wt, it mentions.
144,000 brothers and "other sheep".
now, since the sheep are not referred to as brothers also, could this mean they are :.
the research lady
The other sheep of John 10:16 are non-Jews. There are 42 versus in John chapter 10, so for the Watchtower org. to take one scripture out of context to teach part of their lies is inexcusable. Read the whole chapter to see its meaning. The Watchtower org. is nothing but a big business masquerading as a religion. It has been around for way too long but its demise is imminent. For any active Witnesses on this board, join in with others who will be taking part in the "mass exodus" to begin in August of this year. Follow the words of John in Revelation 18:4--"I heard another voice from heaven, saying, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues:" Some may ask, where do we go? In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. "Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,and you will find rest for your souls". (NASB) Here is a link for more information.http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/massexodus.html
Debunking the WTS view of apostasy
by Awakened at Gilead injust created a new video that uses the bible to show how jw's claims about apostates lack biblical basis.. your comments are welcome.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eg219nkire.
the research lady
Hello Isaacaustin, I just now saw your question. Yes the NWT uses the word "apostate" both in Psalms 35:16 and Proverbs 11:9.I believe this is the verse you are looking for--Proverbs 11:9 states By (his)mouth the one who is an apostate brings his fellowman to ruin, but by knowledge are the righteous rescued." (NWT) The NASB in Psalms 35:16 uses the words "godless jesters" and in Proverbs 11:9 uses the words "godless man". Other versions, such as the King James in Psalms 35:16 uses the words "hypocritical mockers". In Proverbs 11:9 King James uses "hypocrite"--The Jerusalem Bible uses "godless man", and KNOx uses "hypocrite". I hope this will help you. Now you know why I chose the name "research lady". I do love to do research, especially on the Bible.
the research lady
Excellent video! Thank you for all the time and effort put into it.
Debunking the WTS view of apostasy
by Awakened at Gilead injust created a new video that uses the bible to show how jw's claims about apostates lack biblical basis.. your comments are welcome.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eg219nkire.
the research lady
Great video Lance. Just did some research on the words in NWT concordance. Apostasy is found 5 times-3 in the O.T. 2 in the N.T. Apostate 10 times. Apostates 3 times and apostatizing 1 time.In Strong's concordance 1890 edition there are no such words. Zondervan's concordance to the NASB the word apostacies occurs three times. Apostasy-3 times. Apostate just once. In just one scripture found in Job 27:8 the NWT uses the word apostate where other versions use different words. For example, King James in this scripture uses the word "hypocrite". Moffit uses the word "godless". Rotherham uses "impious". and the NIV uses the word "godless". This is just one example of the devious means the Watchower organization uses to show the hatred they have for all those who no longer follow their dangerous and destructive cult. Thank you for sharing this video with us.
Recently disfellowshipped prominent Assembly overseer in Western Europe now speaking out against the Watchtower org.
by the research lady informer elder, and assembly overseer roberto from france will be joining barbara and joe anderson on tonight's conference call, july 18,2009. roberto was disfellowshipped in june 2009 and after many faithful years of service is now joining thousands of others who are speaking out against the evils of the watchtower organization.
our call tonight will be focused on how the country of france, as well as other european countries are investigating jehovah's witnesses.
the watchtower organization is experiencing difficulties in these countries for the inhumane treatment and exerting too much control over people's lives.
the research lady
Saturday July 18 conference call with Barbara and Joe Anderson and Roberto is up and running on www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com Here is a direct link. http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/conferencecall-7-18-09.html
Barbara Anderson just returned from Europe where she vigorously criticized WTs dangerously harmful policies.
by koolaid-man informer bethelites and wt critics, barbara and joe anderson, just returned from a month in europe where barbara spoke at five conferences in three countries.
she was also interviewed by the italian press and met with a number of italian religious officials.
in france, she met with french government officials and representatives of anti-cult organizations.
the research lady
Saturday July 18 conference call with Barbara and Joe Anderson and Roberto is up and running on www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com Here is a direct link. http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/conferencecall-7-18-09.html
Hello there...
by IronHill inhello everyone.... honestly i dont know how to start my first post.
i have been an avid reader of jwd for some time now, and now have decided to say hello.
i was raised as a witness, and have been baptized for 17 years.
the research lady
Hello! Ironhill, welcome to the board. Look forward to hearing more of your story.
Recently disfellowshipped prominent Assembly overseer in Western Europe now speaking out against the Watchtower org.
by the research lady informer elder, and assembly overseer roberto from france will be joining barbara and joe anderson on tonight's conference call, july 18,2009. roberto was disfellowshipped in june 2009 and after many faithful years of service is now joining thousands of others who are speaking out against the evils of the watchtower organization.
our call tonight will be focused on how the country of france, as well as other european countries are investigating jehovah's witnesses.
the watchtower organization is experiencing difficulties in these countries for the inhumane treatment and exerting too much control over people's lives.
the research lady
Cognac, the pre-show starts at 6:30 p.m.EST. That's when people from all over the world start calling in. As we are getting our program ready to begin at 7 p.m.EST, all those calling in can talk with each other. It's a great way to meet new friends, or reunite with already existing friends. Our program the Six Screens of the Wathchtower conference call starts at 7 p.m.EST. The conference call will be recorded and you will be able to listen to it next week. Here is the link. http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/sixscreens-conferencecall.html
If you cannot participate via your telephone ,w e are again host ing this conference call on Paltalk . Y ou can download & use Paltalk basic for FREE. Go to http://www.paltalk.com/ Click "Download for Free" follow installation directions . NOTE: I recommend using a separate hotmail / gmail account for Paltalk registration, not your regular E-mail account, I have been getting reports of a volume Spam coming through Paltalk : Six ScreensOf The Watchtower It is found under "Religion and Spirituality" subsection "Christianity" .